15 posts


Programming, software, hardware, gadgets, and other cool stuff.

GIMP Photo Editor - A Picture of a woman with some blemishes on her skin.

Retouching Skin in GIMP

Jordan Wages

When editing photos, one of the first things you'll want to do is "fix" the skin of your subjects. I've fumbled around with this for years. I use almost exclusively open source tools like GIMP for my work, which while extremely powerful, often lack most of those automatic tools and niceties present in paid products like Photoshop. So I'll share my method, which I adopted from this YouTube video.

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A robot parrot.

On Stochastic Parrots, Large Language Models, and Where We're Heading

Jordan Wages

We're living through a weird moment. AI is the new "thing." And not in just one industry, in pretty much every industry. AI has been percolating in the background for years at the periphery of public consciousness, and suddenly, well... ChatGPT set the record for the fastest growing user base. Diffusion models are also having a moment. And like with all things that have their moment, there are those that don't quite understand just what they're looking at. And this might not be the take you're expecting.

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