Videography Pricing

Photo by ShareGrid on Unsplash

Thanks for your interest in contracting me as your editor or videographer. I work locally in the Rochester, Minnesota area. I use a variety of open source software packages for video editing, motion graphics, animation, audio editing, and title design. If you want to contact me, email me.

Standards and Software

I provide clients 1080P video files rendered in MP4 format by default, but I can film in up to 4K and can offer a variety of formats and compression levels. I also provide both embedded (mov_text) and external (*.srt) subtitle files for closed captioning.

Because I use open source software, I may not be able to provide project files that fit into an existing video pipeline if you're using other editors and visual effect studios. However, I do provide industry standard and broadly compatible final videos files. If you're using multiple editors or studios, please see the list of software below to see what project files I will be able to provide, or if you're just curious what software I use.

What I Do (And Don't Do)

I will work with you at the beginning on your project to establish your needs and to make sure we're the right fit for your project. I offer on site filming in the Rochester, Minnesota area and can travel depending on your budget. I perform basic audio clean up and color correction. I orchestrate and contract third parties for voice over work. I find and use Creative Commons music or other stock music to save you money. I will edit your project to fit your vision and come as close to your target as I can.

However, I do not provide a generalized artistic vision or script. You will be responsible for creating a general structure and overview for your video, or to provide a script for voice over work. This can be worked through during the pre-production stage and I can offer advice, but ultimately the project is yours. I just help you achieve it.


I charge mainly per minute of finished and edited video, rounded up to the nearest minute. This will generally be cheaper for shorter videos than many other studios. I also charge for pre-production time working with you directly to establish your needs and walk you through my services. Music license prices can vary depending on the music you choose (or allow me to choose) for your project. Below you can find the unit price of common line items.

Line ItemPriceUnit
On Site Filming$150Hour
Rochester Stock Film$25Project
Voice Over*$50Project
Music License*$25Song
Video Editing$600Minute

* Depending on items chosen.

Sample Quote

An example

This article was updated on Wednesday, November 24, 2021